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What is 'Online Trading' Online trading is simply buying and selling assets through a brokerage's internet-based proprietary trading platforms. The use of online trading increased dramatically in the mid- to late-'90s with the introduction of affordable high-speed computers and internet connections. Stocks, bonds, mutual funds, ETFs, options, futures, and currencies can all be traded online. Also known as e-trading or self-directed investing. BREAKING DOWN 'Online Trading' Traditionally, investors and traders have to call their brokerage firms to make a trade for them. If John wanted to purchase 50 shares of Intel, he would call his broker with a buy order request. The broker would let John know the market price and confirm the purchase order. If the investor is making a limit order, the broker has to confirm the limit price, how long to keep the order open for, what account to purchase the shares in (if John has multiple investment accounts), etc. The investmen...